DARVET Social responsibility

According to the CSR, DARVET embraces the creation and development of corporate social responsibility in all its business activities from providing products and free extension veterinary services for the animal’s owners to
social projects to build sustainable community relationships such as rural development programs in remote areas.

We embrace the one health approach (a healthy environment that leads to healthy animals and the end
will be reflected in human beings' healthiness). By reducing the waste to care for the animal’s environment
(wastes and plastic can affect the animals especially ruminants by causing foreign bodies in their digestive

Our mission

To innovate, develop, promote and distribute animal health products country-wide via leading the market driven by professionalism and providing innovative technical support to our clients to ensure their benefits considering sustainable development.

Our values

  • Customers oriented
  • Scientifically-chosen products based on SDGs.
  • Safe and highly efficient products

Our vision

DARVET intended to be the best animal health care company in Sudan, leading the
transformation in the veterinary market by focusing on customer needs using collaborative partnerships with the stakeholders.